Monday, January 11, 2010

The minds of little girls

The other day we were driving in the car and the girls were chatting away, mainly about their new names they will have if something happens to Jake and I. Sandra will rename them each to incorporate her name or so she says. They were also telling me they have picked out their wedding dresses and then Aubree tell me that her wedding "is going to be perfect". She proceeded to tell me that she and her dad were going to dance to hoe down throw down by Miley Cyrus.
Ginny has begun to plan her baptism, of course the plans change daily on who she wants to do what but she is excited for March to get here. Currently, her favorite Primary song is also "Baptism". Aubree loves the song "Follow the Prophet" and "I am a child of God".
Will is all boy but loves the color pink. He is into everything and loves to help clean up, although it usually turns into more of a mess but at least he is trying.
I am excited to see what this year holds for us. I know we will be adding another little man to our family, baptizing our oldest baby, and who knows what else.
Here is a cute story. Aubree said the closing prayer for FHE tonight and afterwards, she freaked out and said she needed to pray again because she forgot something. We asked her what she forgot and she forgot to pray for Michael to do good on his test he has coming up. Aubree proceeded to say, not the Michael with brown skin but the Michal with skin like mine. How cute is she to be so concerned with others....


Beke said...


Amy Eaton said...

That Aubree is so Funny...I really can't beileve that Ginny is getting Baptized I so wish that we could be there!!!!