Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ginny is cast free!!! I am happy to report that Ginny can once again now shower and not smell funny. Thing here in the Farrell home are going pretty well. We stay busy but isn't that how life is suppose to be? Recently, I gave a lesson on talents and it made me ponder a little about mine. In the past, I have felt that i was not a very talented person because I am not very good at anything physical really nor singing, dancing, or anything that requires reading music or rhythm. However, I think it is safe to say that maybe I have silent talents...I have the gift of gab too or talking. A talent can be understanding, making someone feel welcome, a listening ear, compassion, or any other thing like that. With that said, I have decided that anyone who feels they have none, including myself, really do not understand whom they are as a child of God.

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