Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Christopher

Today was a special day in our home. We celebrated our last first birthday...yes, that is correct, our baby turned one. Christopher is a source of joy in our home. He is not mobile yet and we are 100% okay with that. He has discovered table food and has a distaste for his baby food. He loves cocoa puffs cereal, cheetos, goldfish, and crackers. He smiles much more often these days and laughs. Yesterday, his daddy and brother were playing cars and Christopher had a car, he started making car noises too. It was way cute. Christopher enjoys swimming pools but is not a fan of baths and he loves to be outside. We are blessed that Heavenly Father blessed our home with him.


Beke said...

Cute! I look forward to seeing him. P.S. That cupcake stand looks familiar. :)

Sandra and Brent said...

Yay, super cute. Wish I could have been there.....wish I were invited. We love you Christopher.