Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thanks to the Men in my life

Today is Father's day and I feel extremely humbled today. Jake is still in Texas but I have celebrated the men in ,my life today. I had to speak in sacrament (the last speaker, so lots of time to fill) and last night as I went to bed and began to think about my talk, my mind quickly jumped to the many years ago that my Mamaw passed away. It was fathers day and I remember the night distinctly that I left and most of the next. There are days that I wish I would have never left that Saturday night. Last night I was feeling discouraged and decided to try to call Jake, however there was no answer, probably because it was 1 am. So, I left my room and went to the dining room, where I wept in peace and spoke to my Heavenly Father. It was within minutes that  felt a peace overcome me and I know it was the Spirit providing comfort from my Father. What a lesson I learned about the love of a father, especially my Heavenly Father's love. I know He is there, hears my silent cries, and answers my prayers.
So as I ponder the men that I adore or love in my life, I also reflect on my Father in heaven and elder brother, Jesus Christ. I am thankful for my dad too, who has always been an example of serving others and developing a love for the scriptures. Like wise, I am thankful for my father in law, who helped mold the man I adore into the man he is. I am thankful for a Papaw, who is so proud of us grandchildren. I am grateful for brothers and brothers in laws that always seem to do something to impress me. I am thankful for my sweet boys, Jacob William and Christopher Wade, and the boys they are becoming. Above all, I am grateful for the man that makes me me. Jake is a wonderful husband and father. Life without him so unimaginable. I am grateful for the love he shows me, the example he is to our children, and the man he is becoming. Here's to the men in my life that I love!

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