Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Merry Christmas

We Christmas has come and gone already this year. It did not seem much like Christmas this year and I found it difficult to get into the Christmas spirit but I did very much enjoy seeing the kids light up Christmas morning. The boys were both able to go to Polar Express this year. Will went with a friend from school and Christopher went with Nana and Charity. Christopher tracked Santa through the day. The boys were way excited and could not contain themselves. Aubree was quite emotional about most of her gifts and Ginny was a typical teenage girl. She wanted her sleep. We continued our tradition of booby trapping the house, using 130 bells this year in balloons.The idea is if the kids can get through with out waking us up, then the can open gifts. If they wake us up, then we get to decide when they are allowed to open gifts. It seems that the children really enjoy the concept. We kept Christmas gifts simple this year and did not go overboard. After unwrapping gifts, I began to take down interior decor (because we left for Texas the next morning), Jake made homemade cocoa, and the children enjoyed playing with their gifts. This year fell on a Sunday, so we were fortunate to go to church, partake of the sacrament, and sing carols together. After sacrament meeting, we came home and prepared to go to Jackson for dinner. It was delicious! It was different without Papaw this year but we enjoyed ourselves. After getting home about 9:00pm, we decided to go ahead and head to Texas, so we left the house about 10:00pm. We have enjoyed seeing family and being together.

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