Monday, January 7, 2019's going to be a good year

2019 is going to be a good year for our little crew here in Tennessee.  New Year's Eve, the girls and I made it home just in time to ring in the new year as a family.  We toasted in 2019 and then played a game of "Ticket to Ride".  Playing games with my family gives me great joy and I want it to last forever.  New Year's Day, we just hung out together and prepared to leave for Texas on the 3rd for Gerald Farrell's sealing on Saturday, the 5th.  Ginny drove almost five hours of the trip down for practice and that evening we joined Jake's parents, Sarah and David, and Megan and Blake for dinner at Cracker Barrel.  Friday, Lynn and Tommie celebrated 49 years of marital bliss and the whole family (all their children, their spouses, and many of the grandchildren down for the sealing) enjoyed dinner out celebrating them.  What an example of love, they are to us all.  I think my most favorite part of the trip was dancing at the open house Saturday evening with Jake and watching him dance with his daughters, sisters, and mother.  I also loved that Christopher cut in once when Jake and I were dancing to dance with me.  After the dance, he bowed and said "thank you madam".  He is a keeper.

Christopher and his mom

Chris and Jacob Farrell

Jacob and Renee' Farrell family

Top: Sarah Fullmer, Lynn Farrell, Megan Davis, Jenny Langford      Bottom: Lynn Farrell with some of her grand-daughters.
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Will, Ginny, Aubree, and Christopher
Dancing at the Open House: Top Right- Jake and kids, Top Left- Ginny, Megan Davis, and Karen Farrell, Middle photos- Aubree, Oscar, and Nathan Farrell, Bottom Photo- Jake Farrell, Sarah Fullmer, and Tommie (TW) Farrell

Aubree and Papa Farrell

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