Sunday, March 24, 2019

Happy Birthday (yesterday) Jake

Happy 40th to my main squeeze and best friend!

I dreamed my whole life to for a successful career and to feel loved, never did I imagine it would come in the form of this life. Life with you is better than my childhood dreams. Here’s to the man I’ve loved since I met him or maybe just saw him and will forever.

Here’s to the man who works hard on things that he wants too (it really depends on what it is). Who is successful in anything he tries and does (so darn talented!). The man who holds my girls in his arms and comforts them when they need it. The man who teaches my boys to be kind and good through his own example. The man who keeps me laughing every single day and keeps my heart light. The man who loves Utah football and watching shows. To the man who walks in the door and despite working with me, is concerned about me and how I am doing (maybe not concerned enough to do more chores without asking, but nonetheless concerned). The man who loves traveling, chocolate covered Raisins, Reese’s Pieces, Ray Bans, movies, donuts, spending money, Dr. Pepper, hiphop music, who doesn’t take life too seriously, my forever dance partner, my anchor, who supports and sacrifices to make my dreams/wants happen, my best friend. I love you, Jacob L Farrell. Can’t wait for the happies, adventures, dances in the kitchen, snuggles on the couch, watching shows, listening to you play the piano, and whatever else life has in store for us together! You make me better. I’m glad you’re my babies daddy and my forever date.

You are an incredible father and I am glad you got to take the boys on a "boys trip" over spring break.

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