Sunday, March 24, 2019

Will gets the Aaronic Priesthood

Today, Will received the Aaronic Priesthood by his dad.  We chose not to do it January because we did not feel we had adequately discussed being we thought we had a solid year left with him turning 11 in December but then the announced changes occurred.  Our thought was just because you can, does not mean you should.  Jake gave him a beautiful blessing. A few things he was encouraged to show kindness to all, including his siblings and to perform one act of service daily. It is crazy to believe that our kids are growing so quickly.
We have had a busy march. The end Saturday of Spring Break, Aubree had the opportunity to sit in on youth leadership training with Elder Costa, of the Seventy with the youth committee and she thoroughly enjoyed that.  Many of the members of our committee were still on Spring Break, so we brought our children.  One thing that Elder Costa said that stood out to me was that he stayed busy so he did not have time to do anything stupid.  He was very down to earth and shared his favorite musician and playlist with the youth.  He did say every fifth song was a religious song to remind him who he was.  Ginny was babysitting so was unable to attend.  The following weekend (this past weekend), we had a youth service project in Jackson Tennessee and Aubree had a regional theater competition- yep on Jake's birthday. Aubree and her partner placed first, she was quite ecstatic.  Ginny and Will attended the service project with my while Jake and Christopher hung out here. 

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