Thursday, May 5, 2022

To the man who...

To the man who:

-loves me unconditionally
-easily forgives and forgets
-has created a home, a refuge for our family
-protects and provides
-willing devotes time and service to others
-makes us laugh daily
-has a love for the gospel
-invites the spirit in our home
-reminds me of my worth and that I’m a daughter of God
-plants me a salsa garden 
-is my forever chips and salsa date
-plays the piano  for me
-leaves his comfort zone to make his girls smile and plays ball with our boys
-loves the Lord & never tires from Him.
You are the absolute best decision I’ve ever made. Thank you for choosing me a few years ago and always standing by me. You’ve made my life better and are my saving grace. Happy 21st anniversary, Jake.
Here’s to then, now, and forever!


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