Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy 11th Ginny

Today is the official day that Ginny can begin riding up front legally and she is so excited! Ginny is blossoming into quite the beautiful young lady.  She is such on obedient daughter and tries her best on everything. Some of her favorite things right now are: clothes, reading books, I love Lucy, and alfredo. One of my favorite things is to hear her giggle as she watches I love Lucy, she laughs so hard. This year to celebrate her birthday, she wanted her dad to take her to see The Croods, just the two of them on opening night. When they got home, she was so anxious to tell me all about it and it was obvious that she enjoyed her time with her dad. 

1 comment:

Sandra and Brent said...

Where has the time gone. It's hard to believe she's been part of our family for 11 years. She holds a very special place In my heart.