Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Today is what I believe is the most important Sunday of the year because we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. The gift of redemption and resurrection are unsurpassable. The Atonement of the Savior is necessary for our salvation. Although there are some things in life that drive me nuts and I am still striving hard to "feel comfortable" and "love" our new ward, I will never not go to church to show my love for my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that they know me and love me. I am forever indebted to the gift of life that was granted to me and the opportunity to live forever with my loved ones.
This year, I was a little of a nerd and bought the kids each new clothes for today, why not look your best on the most important and sacred holiday of the year, right? I thought they were absolutely precious. We were uncertain if the Easter bunny should come Saturday, before church, or during church but he came before church. Jacob William came downstairs to look for the Easter bunny but did not spot the loot till later when he walked through the dining room. When he spotted it, he ran upstairs to get his sisters and then the rumbled through the baskets. Following church, we went to Jackson and had Easter dinner with my parents and sisters. It was a wonderful time! Then we went to see Papaw. On the way home, Jake and I decided that Easter baskets must be simple because it is something that has been created to revolve around Easter and we want our kids to know the sacredness of the holiday, so although this year was not too much, next year we will do less.

1 comment:

Sandra and Brent said...

It looks more like Santa came to visit. Y'all's easter bunny is so nice.