Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day

Honestly, this has been one of my least favorite holidays. Jake usually does very well on holidays but he screwed this one. I guess for twelve years it is not so bad and he is trying to show his children to remember their spouses on special days but this is one I do not want to reflect one. Jake went to Georgia, which I encouraged, so that wasn't the issue.I am glad he went to see his sister and mom.  We had two baby showers here at the house yesterday and that was nice but at the end of the second, I tried to send a bouquet of flowers home with someone but was told by my sister they were mine. I was not happy! One, I think flowers die and require no thought and I knew we did not have the extra money to spend on flowers.
They are nice to be given on just a random day, as long as they are inexpensive but not for Mother's Day, anniversaries, or valentines unless they are accompanied by something that took thought. Once I looked at the pending charges and saw the price I was even more upset, especially since I had already got what I wanted and expressed specifically what else I wanted if anything. To me, it was and still is embarrassing, anyone who know me would know better. I am grateful that Jake thought of me and wanted me to have something but felt he should know me much better to think I would be okay with that much money spent on flowers or that I expected something, when there are many other things that I would've preferred. And flowers take no thought.It is not so much that he spent the money but what he spent it on. Oh, and I know I ma probably over reacting but no one in their right mind should spend over $100 on flowers....go to Kroger and spend $20. As much as I have tried to be grateful and let it go, even looking at them irks me, immature right? Then I feel bad for feeling this way, so that doesn't help. On a positive note, I drove to Jackson this morning for church and was glad mom was able to have all her kids and grand kids there. Right as sacrament was being passed, Christopher was resting on my and then got sick all over me and downy shirt, it was disgusting! Due to him being sick, I was in the restroom a lot or in the hall and discover after church and mom and dads that Jacob William bore his testimony, I missed it and if was his first time. Happy Mother's Day to me, right? At least I have four sweets that love me regardless.

1 comment:

The Muries said...

Renee I feel the exact same way about flowers and it drives me nuts when that happens because they don't take thought and it is such an easy out. I can't stand when I take time to think out something then Dave does something like flowers or chocolate because it is easy and convenient. It makes me mad and hurts my feelings. I am glad I am not the only one who thinks this way. Sorry you missed your son's testimony.