Monday, May 13, 2013

The flowers

The flowers are still alive and they still make me mad. I want to get rid of them but then I think they costs totally too much. I have thought about driving to the florist and returning them but they delivered what was ordered, although they were over priced. Why can I not let this go and just see the good that he thought of me, even if only to make a quick call and send flowers? I find it so frustrating.  I have been staying busy and have a bust week all wee long but when I see them on the table, I get irritated. I think I am a little crazy. The girls have piano recitals tonight, so I am sure they will be good. This is one of those weeks where I have to be at the school everyday and have something every night too but hopefully it will go smooth and I can still find the time for a little sleep and to complete homework.

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