Saturday, June 6, 2015

To the my whom holds my heart...

As I sit here watching my sweetheart nap, I feel a little envious and can think of one hundred things I need to do or could do but yet I just want to watch him. Yet there are days and times, I just really want to be hour, a day, sometimes I wish for more like a month... But then I think about what life would be like with no one. No one to share the load of dishes, laundry, cleaning and taking care of the kids. (maybe I could adjust to that, laundry and dishes seem never ending) No one to pick up the slack when you just can't. No one to run to the store for ice cream or chips and salsa when you are gloomy. No shoulder to cry into at the end of a long day. No arms to surround you when you feel you just want to collapse. No one to warm the sheets on your side of the bed in the dead of winter. No one to share laughs, celebrations, and good news with. No one to share hopes and dreams with. No one to put before yourself. There is no doubt in my mind that a loving God orchestrated His plan around couples, a man and a woman, who love and respect one another. Thinking of life without Jake makes me sad. Because while life would still be good and worth living, I don't think it would ever feel complete. I'm eternally grateful for a husband who is good and kind, who works hard and cares for his family. He does small and simple things to melt me (like clean the garage, have me a little lunch prepared when I get home, makes the bed, kisses my forehead, etc.) He dries my tears about little stresses of life before falling asleep at night or lets me chat away as he struggles to keep his eyes open. He'll always have my back and he'll never stop believing in me. Dearest Jake, I love you. Thanks for the best fourteen years of my life. I'm looking forward to many, many more. As a side, after fourteen years I think we've finally figured out the whole anniversary thing. Think low expectations. No cards, gifts or grandiose celebrations.We were trying to find the time to just enjoy dinner together and I had sarcastically commented something to the effect..."Our kids keep us so busy, no time for life" and Jake reminded me that right now, these kids are our life. Forevermore, I will be a mother and wife. There will come a time when I will look back and miss the business of life that sometimes makes one on one time not feasible. It's not our wedding day. It's an extra special day, once a year, to remember a sacred event that happened once upon a time.

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