Thursday, February 2, 2017

Mean girls and my crazy boys

Today we leave for Cabo, as excited as I should be I am more leery too.  This is the first time we have left our kids for this length of time and yesterday, I decided to go to the clinic because my throat was a little scratchy and I waned to get a cocktail shot for sinuses (I had self diagnosed myself as a sinus infection) but t my dismay, I tested positive for strep...yuck.  As a per-cautionary means, I made Christoper an appointment too he tested positive for strep too, making it more difficult for me to leave my sweethearts this morning. I get so so nervous that one will get sick and when you are sick you need/want your mom.  My sisters and mom will be great with them and I know they are not in better hands but it makes me so nervous.  Yesterday, Aubree came to me last night as I was taking out trash and wanted to talk a minute. An unkind remark was made at lunch directed at her about controlling her weight and it hurt her feelings. As a mom, I wanted to just cry with her but expressed her beauty and worth as a child of God and explained that sadly there will be people her whole life that will say unkind things.  It makes me beyond sad when I see any of mine babes hurt in any way.  It is a hurt that can not be explained but I just want to take it away.  Yesterday, I checked lunch accounts to make sure that the kids all have money on accounts since we will be gone and I was not surprised to see that Will has depleted his since 1/21/17.  He has been buying ice cream, milk, and  guess second lunches after he eats (or shares) what I have sent for his lunch.  It was a tad frustrating but comical on the same hand.  Speaking of comical, last night Christopher was persistently calling for his brother before he got out of the bath.  Moments later Will came to the kitchen with an empty body wash container filled with urine that his brother was bragging that he peed in.  After asking Christopher, he said he did pee in the empty container. We asked why because the toilet is right there too and he "just wanted to", my boys are a different story than my girls but I love them all!  Christopher also has his own sense of style. He came out Sunday for church in red pants, a multi-color striped shirt, and a red, white, and blue tie. Lastly, last Friday night (1/28/17), Jake and I went to see "The Bodyguard" musical at the Orpheum and I was pleased.  Jake sent me a photo and text from school saying looking forward to tonight. There were chocolates on the counter when I got home from school and I was greeted with roses as we left. We had planned to go to dinner but Jake had a headache when he got home from school so he napped a few hours. We did have a quick, romantic dinner at CiCis' pizza (in and out within 15 minutes and the man loved pizza). The ending of the show was very engaging and I frankly just enjoyed looking at my husband. Many times I wonder how I was so fortunate or blessed to call him mine.  Initially when we first met, I was not that physically attracted to him but now, there is no one I am more attracted too. Sunday was a special stake conference that the counselor in the General Presiding Bishopric presided over.  There were a couple of times that day that I felt the urge to blog and share my small testimony that God lives, knows us, and it is never too late.  One of the ladies that spoke was a mother with six small children. She (Kate Wilson) expressed how she had to ask many days for forgiveness for raising her voice at her children, or being discouraged that she feels that she falls short.  It was refreshing to hear that struggles (inwardly and outwardly) of another mother because motherhood can be so difficult at times yet the most rewarding thing ever too. I can only hope that my four sweet children know that I am giving it my best and most of the things I do is for them and their father.
On a last note, we received Christopher's t-ball pictures from last year. What a cute kid he is.

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