Sunday, July 14, 2019

A text message to remember

Text to my girls late Thursday (7/11/19)
Girls- My favorite thing about my calling is that I get to attend activities with y’all and that on occasions dad does too. I feel that all too often I probably don’t verbally share my testimony with my babies as often as I should and I can only hope that I live it. However tonight I want you to know the Spirit has whispered to my soul the last couple days the truthfulness of the gospel and above all, I am a child of God and he loves me, likewise I know you are his daughter and he loves you and he loves you for you. You are both so unique in your ways and touch the lives of others (including dad and I) in unique ways. I hope tomorrow or technically today as you listen to the speakers that you let God talk to your heart through the Spirit and if there is something you’ve been unsure about that the knowledge sought is gained. I love you beautiful ladies and hope you sleep well. I’m super glad you are each you.
Now, on a different note- Aubree like "ghosts" us, like we never see her nor get pictures. 🙄

Text from Aubree 7/13/19 from the back seat of the car as we were driving to Houston
Mosiah 4: 15-16
Mom, I just want to tell you how wonderful of a mother you are. I know that it's difficult to raise four children, especially when you have one hormonal teenage girl. You have taught me so much and I know that you will continue to teach, nourish, and love me. You are such a wonderful example of how to walk in the goodness of God. You are always looking for opportunities to serve and if there is one thing you've taught me more than anything else, it's to serve. You've taught me that through service we grow to love one another, we must serve those who we have trouble loving. You've taught me not to judge others and to look at them through the Lord's eyes. I know that we give you a hard time, and I'm sorry. You are the most fantastic mother I could ask for, you are incredible. I just want you to know that I love you so much and you have been such a big part in helping me grow my testimony of the Book of Mormon, the gospel, and Christ. I've learned through you how to have courage and kindness. YOU, and Ginny, have inspired me to try to finish personal progress. YOU have taught me to give others the benefit of the doubt. YOU have taught me all this and so much more, but I know that you had help. You taught me these things through Christ. You were an instrument in His hands. You let Him speak through Him so that I may learn through Him and you. Mom, you are absolutely incredible. I love you so much and I am externally grateful for the lessons you have taught me and all that you do for me. I love you so much. I testify that Heavenly Father and Christ love you, and They are grateful for your sacrifices. I testify that as you learn to love and serve others and continue to teach us, you will be blessed. I love you so inexplicably and indescribably, just a fraction of how much Christ and Heavenly Father love you. I hope that I was able to lift your spirits, help you feel the Spirit, and remind you of your endless worth. I love you.

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