Saturday, August 3, 2019

Padre Island is oh so good, although our summer travels are nice it, is always good to get back to normalcy. We chatted about leaving Padre on Sunday and Houston but decided to stay until Monday.  We wanted to make the decision based on the best to keep the Sabbath most holy. The kids convinced us being with cousins was a good thing and refrained from going shopping, to the museum, the pool, or the beach. They did a really good job.  We have some good kids. However, Sunday evening may have been one of the first times, I seen and felt drama in Jake's side of the family. I am sure it happens more often but we are not around often nor do we have regular conversations with them (sad).  Speaking of good kids, our family has been asked to start attending the branch.  There are mixed feelings, especially for the girls (they love the young women's presidency and Sunday School teachers) we have decided our family will heed the call. Sometimes we are asked to do things that are hard or that we do not want to do but we still do them. We talked about the many instances from the scriptures that people did not want nor understand why they were asked to do some things but they did.
Upon arriving home, we began on the yard that Tuesday (July 23) and it is still "under construction". Jake wanted new sod so we began the prep work and the sod was scheduled to be delivered Friday.  It has been a long almost two weeks.  That Wednesday evening when digging trenches (he also decided to install an irrigation system), he hit a water line.  He prayed earnestly that he could repair it and he did, although it took three attempts before no leak.  There was a plumber scheduled to come and hook everything up to the main water line but they also canceled.  He hit another part as well and repaired that but the next morning when we went out, there was standing water near the repair and when we scoop out the water, it would refill. We watched it for a few days and became concerned that it may be under the home caused from where he hit the water line with the trench digger but fortunately, we believe it is from water the plants.  It did not help that during that time, we got a lot of rain one day.  Most of the trenches were dug with the trench digger but some had do be completed by hand due to the mud from water lines.  It was hard manual labor and both are bodies were exhausted and tired but we had a deadline to meet or the sod would die and they would not redeliver. The sod was laid, except a small area where we had to be certain the standing water was not a leak (can't just cover it or in the end it is more work).
Work started back for Jake and I on Wednesday (7/31).  Jake received a phone call on Monday night asking to come interview for a job at Maxine Steam Academy.  It would be teaching STEM all day, which is his passion.  However, the pay cut would be too substantial. He has now turned them down twice this week but yesterday they left a message that they think they have something "promising" and will be sending him an offer by Monday.  As much as I would miss looking down the hall and seeing him, I want him to be happiest.  He is not unhappy where he is and it is a lateral move (as far as pay most likely), and he does plan to apply for admin jobs, I am not sure what he will decide. It may or may not be long term depending on what opens up as far as administration or board opportunities.
Lastly, graduation for my masters degree was last night.  I did not attend graduation because it would not be enjoyable for my family, nor have I really told anyone but it is nice to know that I have accomplished it.  I have now accomplished obtaining my associates, bachelors, and masters while being a mom a

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