Saturday, November 23, 2019

Zip Lining

The stake took the youth that will be 16 this year or older on a little retreat.  Friday night was spent at the temple doing baptisms and a service project and Go Ape on Saturday.  As reluctant as I was, I participated in Go Ape.  I am not a fan of anything that is not safe and jumping out trees to zipline and walking from high in the tree to another is not ideal, but, this was a moment I could share with my daughter.  It was not pleasant and I wanted to puke a thousand times but I can say I did it!
Aubree attended a forensics competition with her friend and they placed first in impromptu acting.  She has discovered her love in acting and theater.  She found out yesterday that she received a very minor role in HairSpray at school. She had tried out for Tracy but then was asked to read for the gym teacher. As bad as she wanted Tracy, she figured it was a little more realistic she would get the gym teacher. She was so sad yesterday when she saw the cast list.  I told her no matter what we were proud of her and even if she was not in the play that we would have watched with her.  She is down on herself about her body build and stated that only stick thin girls can play most of the parts, what she fails to realize is her own beauty. 
Will had his first trip to the principal's office at school this week for accepting an "airdrop" of a video game that he knew was not allowed.  We have talked to him mulitple times about the use of technology and limiting it, so may, this will help enforce the importance of it.
Christopher was super proud to share with us this week that he mas mastered two more sounds in speech, one of them being the k.  He is improving and it is showing.  He also has asked that each night at dinner we share something we are thankful for, so that helps us reflect on the good.
We left this morning for a two day trip to Branson, MO to meet up with James's family.  We met at Dixie Stampdede for dinner and then James reserved a large house for everyone to stay at. 

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