Friday, April 24, 2020

Quarantine continues

Life as we know it as changed and I am guessing will continue to change over the next year or so until a vaccine is created.  Overall, I have not allowed my spirits to get down but last Friday I found myself in my closet sobbing.  I had watched a message from the superintendent stating that the students will not return to the school this academic year. He also apologized to the seniors and that is when tears filled my eyes and began to flow.  Naturally, I thought about Ginny and the things she was missing. Then I realized I was sad for me too that she is my oldest and I too, am missing out on these "senior moments" with her. The next day, I told Jake I had a moment and explained why and he reminded me that the this alternative is better because of all the time we are getting to spend with her before she leaves for college.  So, this is actually a blessing in disguise in some ways.  We do have time with her that was unanticipated and as a family before our kiddos start leaving the nest, so that is what I am trying to focus on and remember.  However, each time I go to the grocery (about every ten days) my heart is sad too to see shelves empty and people in masks.  I do not like it. However, with all the sadness, there is much good too.  People around the nation have come together to ease the burdens of one another. People in the mid-south are "adopting seniors", Ginny was adopted within minutes by three of our co-workers and we adopted one for a much less fortunate situation in a "not so great area" of Memphis and were able to send him his favorite snacks and a gift card to his favorite fast food restaurant.  Another positive is that we unexpectedly received masks in the mail for our entire family.  Sandra sent a few that she had for the boys but did not have material for adult ones but the same day, a senior missionary couple that had served in the branch had sent six.  It was a pleasant surprise to check the mail and magically have enough for our family. It was a tender mercy from above.

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