Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Eve obstacle course

Let’s begin…


Twas the night before Christmas when all through the room, not a child was stirring, each unaware of their impending doom.  

Than arose such a clatter that they arose from the slumber to unravel a story of such awful wonder.

Will they overcome the obstacles and solve the clues before the sunlight hits the morning dew?


Here is the first hint: Everything requires hindsight, each lock to be opened- look at history for your insight.

*Lock combo set to 2020*

Clue in the lockbox reads: This is the 1st game, introduced by Christopher with a ball but Follow the kings reign, or you just might fall.  (Four-square)


This is the month and year that we never saw coming. We got two sweet kittens and one with anger. Unlock the door for the kittens before it is too late for Stink, the newest member, for she is in mortal danger.

Lock combo set to 420  that unlocks the bathroom door.


You must tell Alexa to illuminate your clue, then slide down the stairs with all care. But name the wrong place and wake mom from dreams of vacation as she transforms into a very hangry bear.

Yellowstone is the code for Alexa to turn on correct light.


Papa would probably be mad enough to neat the band…

But we taught you to play poker so play your best hand!

Lock combo set to 000 (code on 10-J-Q-K-A written disappearing ink)


It took some effort to learn all together so many times we were “wrong”.

But the lessons centered around a babe and a sign to appease the evil throng.

Lock combo set to 407, code is discovered as page 407 of Book of Mormon highlighted (3Nephi 1)


You got so far and come so close, but return to the 2nd week of February or the game ends and you are toast.

New clue is in the Farming game back upstairs (this in in box by bedroom door).


We hope you had fun and created some favorite memories this year. And no matter where or how the time moves us we love you each so dear.  (this is in Farming game attached to a paint stick to move alarm from under bedroom door)


This was supposed to be Ginny’s big day but we always knew there was a risk because “she’s going to college” but now is here to stay.

Lock combo set to 511 (should’ve been her graduation day)


It’s time to walk in faith especially since the day Aubree started to legally drive. Dodge the tree branches and honor the right away or might slip and take a dive. 

Hop scotch on Sept 18th.  (other spots have vasoline)


Possible one of my favorite Christmas Eves ever

Obstacle Course

Randoms from the day

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