Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving and Festivites

This may have been the busiest / craziest Thanksgiving that I believe that I have ever experienced but how I enjoyed having all my siblings here. You may be wondering what made it so crazy busy? Sandra was married the day before and her reception was the day after...congratulations Sandra. It was wonderful to see so much family and close family friends. There are many days when I wish that Michael and Amy lived this way with their family too and Becky too. However, I know it will almost be impossible for all if us to live near and should be grateful that I am able to live near the ones I do. Due the all the festivities, I was not able to share some of my greatest blessings this year, so I will now and in no particular order:
- I am thankful for my family always but especially this time of year. My family is wonderful...they bring out the best in me and the worse.
- I am thankful for a wonderful man who said yes across an alter almost ten years ago. Jake is my best friend, rock, example, and peacemaker. He has a calming effect on me and a wonderful husband and father.
- I am thankful to be a mother. Heavenly Father has entrusted me with four little angels who teach me and make me a little bit better. We were especially blessed this year, to add Christopher. My little angels motivate me to try to be a little better.
- I am thankful for luxuries we have in modern times. I love air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter.
- I am grateful for four seasons and love the wind.
- I am grateful for my testimony of the Savior and the relationship that I have with Him. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit whom testifies of truth to me. I am thankful for the tender mercies that I feel daily from my Heavenly Father.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm glad you had a fun filled Thanksgiving. You have a beautiful family. I miss you guys.