Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Mighty Mississippi

The talk of the nation these days is the death of Osama Bin Laden and the rising Mississippi, including the current flooding it has caused. Yesterday, we decided for family home evening to drive down town to witness the near record height. It was impressive the width and to see parks that use to be, covered in water. People were taking tons of photos, my Ginny included. Then we went to Gus's fried chicken for dinner....yummy. I very much enjoy evenings with my family.So, today Ginny had a field trip and wanted one of us to come but did not want her brothers to come. Jake took off work to go, which made Ginny thrilled and then he plans to go read to Aubree's class. The cutest thing about the whole thing to me is not only did he take off work but he spent hours preparing a scavenger hunt for the kids with prizes and certificates of completion included too. He is such a good dad and each of the kids knows that he loves them individually.

1 comment:

Amy Eaton said...

That is awesome how fun!