Thursday, September 1, 2011

Kids say the funniest things ever and likewise, do the funniest things. Here are a few of my current favorite things about my kids in no particular order:
1. Ginny and Aubree have Will convinced that thunder is a monster. When he hears thunder, he runs to hide saying a monster is coming.
2. Aubree has recently enjoyed putting dress up and jewelry on her brothers.
3. Aubree asks at least weekly, how she will know when she is in love.
4. Ginny is a pro at cooking and enjoys bringing breakfast in bed on Saturdays. Her breakfast is usually milk and toaster strudels and her lunch speciality is Ramen noodles.
5. The other night during dinner, Aubree says "This is so damn good." We asked her to repeat what she said to make sure we heard her right, we did, and after silent chuckles, explained it is not a good word.
6. Will wants to be exactly like his daddy and tries to do all that he does.
7. Christopher is obsessed with riding on his little Buzz Lightyear riding toy, which he cruises at (probably why he is not walking) and LOVES nacho cheese Bugles.
8. Both the boys enjoy playing cars. Christopher can even make the car sounds. Speaking of sounds, Jake plays like he is shooting dinosaurs all the time. Why? Who would have ever guessed he would follow in Ginny's footsteps and love watching Jurassic park.

These are just of my favorite things right now. I am blessed to have 4 beautiful babies!

1 comment:

Leslie Cosgriff McKinney said...

You're one lucky mama! I miss you! Love, Leslie