Sunday, September 25, 2011

Gratitude for my Girls

I have two absolutely wonderful girls. I can not express how grateful I am for them and the help they render me. This past week Aubree was star student in her class, so I was able to spend some time at the school. It makes me feel so good that they still want me around because I am fully aware that the time will come when it will be "uncool" to have mom around. Aubree also shared with me this week that one of her dreams is for Grammy&Papa and Nana&Papa to be our neighbors on each side, how cute is that. Ginny is great, she is such a help with the boys and often does not even have to be asked before she helps out. Ginny has worked very hard to master her multiplication tables; she received a C on her first quiz and was determined to do better. We practice every day after school and she has made all A's sine then.As for the boys, they are pure trouble. Both the boys love being outside, cars, burgers, and their little hot rides. Christopher is becoming more mobile. He still army crawls most of the time but is crawling on his knees a little more these days too. As for Jacob William, he wants to do everything that his daddy does. He enjoys throwing the football and checking the garden daily.

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