Sunday, October 9, 2011

Do you ever feel you are just a mean, bad person? I am having one of those days where I am struggling to remember my self worth, although I know it is there. My day started well until right before church started and my feelings were hurt. Someone we consider our friend, told me hat I had a bad attitude and they were sick of it. (all I did was ask him to give his wife a message because I may not see her in time and no one in the presidency answered their phone) After sacrament, I decided to right the wrong and apologize if I had ever done anything to offend this person, but that did not go well either, they were still hurtful and mean towards me. So, after church I went and spoke to the wife and offered any apologies for anything I may have ever done. She said I had not done anything but at one point she felt judged. I assured her that if I ever made her feel that way it was not intentional and I think nothing bad of her nor her family. Oddly, this is a family that Jake and I considered friends and have done many kind things for (anonymously and in general). I learned today that some people who you think may love you, may really not. Needless to say it has been weighing on me since it happened. This is a family that I have stood up for when their other friends have said bad things about them. Guess, there is a reason I am not a part of that group.... I am not sure why people do not want to be my friend, I honestly try hard to be kind and considerate of others. Every girl wants friends, right? However, above all, I just hope that my daughters do not ever feel this way. I hope that my children never feel like they are second best and I hope that all though some people may not like me, that they do not prevent their children from being friends with my children. I would never intentionally make a person feel judged or less than they are. Anyways, this happened before sacrament and for some reason it effected my whole church day. I arose early this morning to prepare my lesson for Sunday School and when the time came, I feel that I let the previous experience fluster me. And to top that off, the Stake President and Elder Bluth (member of the Seventy) were in attendance in my class. Amazing, how we can let one single small event get to us and effect our day. Then there are moments to put life back in perspective. I walked in our bedroom to lay down a few minutes and noticed a lump in my bed. I flipped on the closet light and there asleep on our bed were two my angels. Christopher was asleep on Ginny, that moment brought life back into perspective for me.


Sandra and Brent said...

Friends are nice but family is way better. And people like that make me wanna punch them in the face. And I do judge them.

R and J said...

You are awesome! You remind me a lot of my husband ... you are always honest. And people who are not used to that can easily get offended because they are used to people who put on faces. The thing I like abot honesty is you always know where you stand with that person. If they are mad at you, you know it. If they have forgiven you, you know it .... I love that quality and love you! --Sister Stiles, from your mission in GA

Anonymous said...

You always cease to amaze me at what a kind person you are. I am just now catching up on your blog and I am so happy about the news for Aubree and your rental house. Good things always come to those who give and serve and you never fall short in those categories. So, sometimes we encounter bad situations, but it is how we make the best of them that really counts and we can't always worry about what others think or how they are working things out on their end. We can only hope that forgiveness and kindness are not just words but a way of life. You are a great example of that. I am sorry you have been feeling frustrated about things lately. And I am sorry I have not been a better friend. It seems life just gets in the way and there is never time for much anymore. Just like in the movie Shawshank Redemption..."the World when and got itself in a big damn hurry." Well, this is very true, but taking time out for others should never fall short on the time scale. I'm here if you ever need a listening ear.