Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fall Fun

The girls were able to have two days off from school for Fall break and Jake was off a full week. The weather was absolutely perfect, so we took advantage of it and went to the zoo three days. We went first with Charity, Rob, and Riley. In case you are unable to tell from the photos, Aubree is going through a stage where she wants her photo taken a lot.

Then the next day, Nana and Becky came up so we went again. Then we took daddy. It was a fun time. Here are several photos from the zoo. Some look redundant but I found it comical of how many times my son was cut out. Now, please do not assume that I do not want my oldest son included in the photos, the problem was my mom had the camera. :)
Last Sunday, we had a surprise visit from Michael. I found out earlier that week he was coming down to go hunting but was under the impression, that was the mere purpose of the trip was too hunt and not visit. So, I had planned to not bother him. I did not want to be intrusive and wanted him to know he could come down and not be bothered. I had fallen asleep last Sunday and Jake came to wake me up said Michael as coming over and would be here any minute. I grabbed some clothes but did not have time to straighten my house. In the end, it did not matter how my house looked, I was so happy that he came. Sandra, Brent, Charity, Rob, and Riley came too. I was reminded how much I enjoy being with my family. It helps to to have a few breaks in between.
Jake also began to rebuild our fence. It is not in good shape and should have been replaced sooner but we have held off due to finances but now it is not a matter waiting to afford it put it in but it is a necessity. Here are several photos from the zoo. Now, please do not assume that I do not want my oldest son included in the photos, the problem was my mom had the camera. :)

1 comment:

Sandra and Brent said...

It was a fun visit with Michael. Cute Halloween pictures too.