Sunday, October 30, 2011

This week has been a good week for our little family. Report cards came home this week and both girls had perfect report cards--all A's. They are both such smart girls. I like to claim that it comes from me. My family stepped up again this week. Jake had youth conference and I was unable to get off work for Friday night, so Sandra and Charity took the kids to Jackson for the ward fall fest and had them home in time for Primary practice Saturday morning. Jake has almost completed replacing the fence. We are replacing the the entire back panel because it is so weak and storms can blow it over rather easily. Today was the kids Primary program practice and I was one proud Mama. Naturally, I think my kids are just the cutest kids ever but it was cute. The girls did their speaking parts perfectly. Aubree sang a part of "Praise to the Man" with another little boy and sounded excellent. Ginny played "He is Risen" on the piano and nailed it. Jacob William, had the congregation chuckling. He had one of the first parts, approached the microphone, grabbed it close to his mouth, and whispered lightly into it. During the first couple songs, he would stand but place his elbows on the pew in front of him and prop his head on his hands. I am amazed how quickly my babies are growing up! Ginny is losing the little girl look and looking more like a little lady, it makes me a tad sad.

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