Monday, December 28, 2015

Happy 8th birthday Jacob William

Eight years ago, I had no idea how busy boys were and now I have two. There are days when I think my last nerve is being tested and other days that my boy is such a little charmer. I am blessed to call Will my son. He is very rambutious and is working hard on learning to listen but I wouldn't trade it. We are also working on not being stinky...he is really all boy. Yesterday, we attempted to talk to him about the importance of personal hygiene and wiping his bottom good. We don't want to have the smelly kid and right now we do. He gets so dirty. Yesterday, he pooped in our toilet that doesn't work (because if new tile and hasn't been reset yet), didn't wipe, did not wash his hands, and while we are talking to him about it, he scratches his butt and rubs his hands through his hair. I'm certain that years from now, we will all laugh about it. But today, we celebrate him and the smiles he brings into our lives. Some of his favorites are as follows: baseball, pizza, candy, soda, Legos, and playing games. He is very, very good at Legos and building things. He helped his dad surprise Ginny with shelves for her closet last week and build shelves in the media room. He's all boy but he's our boy and we will keep him. Happy 8th birthday son, I love you beyond measure! 

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