Saturday, January 30, 2016

I see miracles from above

It seems as if I had shed a tear many tears each day since 12/31/15 and Papaw has consumed my mind. However, I had two days this week where I was tear free. Last night, we drove to Atlanta to spend the weekend at Sarah and David's because Brennan is getting the priesthood. As we were driving my mind raced with all the events of this last month. As hard as it is and as sad as it can make me, somehow I managed to see the good that had happened too and be reminded of the tender mercies. My mind wondered from the doctor telling us "he is dying" to walking back in the room and being able to talk to him and call my siblings, from seeing him just lie in the hospital bed to him raising his eye brows, squeezing my hand, and trying to speak, from the heartbreak of seeing him to the heart warmth of memories that rushed back. We loved each other big so at this temporary separation, I hurt big. Sandra sent me this pictures this week and it brought joy to my soul. I am certain there will be many more tears shed but I plan to try to laugh and smile many more too. I have a wonderful life and am blessed with many great people in it. 
I have seen the tender miracles from the Lord. 

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