Monday, February 1, 2016

New, new year

There are times in my life where I realize how great life is and other times I feel that life is hard. I am sure that is normal of everyone but I am trying very hard to count my blessings. This afternoon in the car, I mentioned to Jake that recently it is difficult for me not to become jealous when I hear others spending time with of their grandparents however, I proceeded that jealousy is not the correct approach because I had a wonderful relationship with both my Mamaw and Papaw. So, I have decided that I am having a re-do of the New Year and my winter…my attitude and relationship with Jake will improve. I am beyond measure blessed to have such a caring and gentle husband. Are there things that drive me crazy? Absolutely but that in no way diminishes my love and admiration for him. He helps me becomes better and is who I would choose all over to be by my side and the father of my children. Another resolution is not raise my voice at my four angels. There are times that it seems like I can ask them nicely five times but until I raise my voice at them, they do not listen. I will become more patient with them. Now, my final New Year's resolution is to be more observant of the Sabbath. There has been a great emphasis from church leaders to honor the Sabbath more effectively. Overall, I feel that our family does well at not doing things such as going to stores, eating out, playing rough, swimming, etc (we do not do things on Sundays that we do the others days of the week) but there are things that we should do to be better. I want to improve our time together on Sunday, serve others, connect with extended family members, and find more joy in Sundays. There is a great desire to teach my children by example gospel living and this will be one way to do that. I want my children to know they are sons and daughters of a higher being and the He knows them and loves them. I want them to have a strong gospel foundation so when questions arise and trying times may come, they can find their way and always remember that their parents have a firm knowledge and belief of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Also, I plan to let my family start adding entries when they would like to, so we will print the name of the author at the end of the entries. Renee'

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