Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Summer week 2- high adventure summary

Summer break week two is already off to a better start. Last week with staples in the head, me stepping on a nail and hurting my foot, abd trying to get kids everywhere with a hurt foot was a little difficult because Jake was on high adventure with the young men in Chatanooga. 
Saturday, charity and I ventured to the zoo with the kids and that was a fun time. 

Sunday evening we had Becky and Charity over for dinner and made Becky a birthday cake. Aubree did a really good job on it and Becky was surprised and I think it made her feel good. 

 Jake is home from high adventure and had a great time. He had arranged everything a theme and devotionals. 
"Theme: Building a Testimony by Inviting, Recognizing, and Following the Spirit


Wednesday – Hold to the Rod (Inviting the Spirit)

1 Nephi 15:23-24 & 2 Nephi 31:20

Activity – Traveling to Camp

Spiritual Activity - Scott Perry 

  Compare following the map to following the scriptures to reach our end destination.

Devotional – Jake Hunt


Thursday – Following the Spirit at the Very Moment

1 Nephi 4:6 & 1 Nephi 16: 10, 16

Activity – Caving

Spiritual Activity – Joey Hale

  Compare caving, head lamp, tough trekking to following the Spirit

Devotional – Testimony Meeting led by Bishop


Friday – Recognizing the Spirit in Our Daily Life

Galatians 5: 22-23 & Ether 4:12

Activity – Rock Climbing

Spiritual Activity – Jake Farrell

  Compare rock climbing to following the spirit.

Devotional – Tommy Perry


Saturday – Not Just Friends, but Friends in the Gospel

Moroni 6:5 & 4 Nephi 1:12

Activity – Rafting

Spiritual Activity – Travis Donald

  Compare rafting, working together, and following guide to being friends in the gospel. 


At the beginning of our adventure every person will be challenged to read a book from the Book of Mormon.  With their challenge, there will be 3 questions for them to journal about related to their book.  At each meal, 4 people will be asked to share one of their questions, and what they learned from their scriptures.  If everyone completes their reading, collectively we will have read the Book of Mormon.  Then I will challenge the young men to finish reading the Book of Mormon over the summer."

Collaboratively the young men and leaders read the entire Book of Mormon. Each received an envelope with a short testimony and reading assignment before they pulled out. This was what was contained in each envelope but only one ready assignment per envelope: "As we begin our high adventure, I challenge each of you to join together in a spiritual adventure.  During our trip we will have the opportunity to read and discuss the entire Book of Mormon collectively as priesthood holders.  This ambitious endeavor, if undertaken in faith without reservation, will have the power to unite you with Christ in a journey that will last throughout your lifetime. “Men are that they might have joy,” and the surest way to find that joy is to invite, feel, and recognize the Spirit in our daily life to lead us on the path of righteousness.


I testify that reading from the Book of Mormon will have greater power to make you happy than any other task.  Just reading from its pages will help you make the decisions that will draw you close to Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.  This is a promise given from God himself, and one that I have tested before.  I remind you of and reaffirm the blessing that reading the Book of Mormon will fortify you from the fiery temptations of the devil. 


My prayer is that we will unite as friends and priesthood brethren in this endeavor.  Let us read the Book of Mormon.  Let us feel and recognize the Spirit as we do so.  Like Alma who was fully converted in 3 days, let us become converted to the gospel that leads to life eternal.



1 Nephi

1.     How did Nephi feel and follow the Spirit?

2.     What do we learn from the vision of the tree of life?

3.     Despite being on the same journey, why did Nephi and Laman have such different paths?


2 Nephi

1.     What is agency and its consequences for how we use it?

2.     How does following the Spirit help us use our agency?

What redemption, if any, is there when we do not follow the Spirit?


Jacob & Enos

1.     What warnings does Jacob give?

2.     What caused the change between the Nephites and Lamanites?

3.     What do we learn from the prophet Enos?


Jarom, Omni, Words of Mormon, Mosiah chapter 1 &  23-29

1.     Why is record keeping mentioned so many times, and what does it mean for us?

2.     Despite persecution like the people of Alma suffered, why is it important to follow the Lord?

3.     How does the conversion of Alma the younger and the sons of Mosiah compare to how most people become converted?


Mosiah chapters 2–22

1.     What are the major points of King Benjamin’s address?

2.     What is Abinadi’s testimony, and how was he true to it?

3.     As demonstrated by Limhi’s people, how do people return to Christ?


Alma 1–31

1.     As Alma and Amulek did missionary work, what are several things they taught?

2.     As the sons of Mosiah did missionary work, what are several things they taught?

Why is Korihor’s message so dangerous, and how does it relate to the world today


Alma 32–63

1.     How is the gospel like a seed, and what can we apply to our lives?

2.     Alma speaks to each of his sons. What message does he give each of them?

3.     How does Moroni, on numerous occasions, defeat the Lamanites despite being outnumbered?  How does this apply to our lives?



1.     What things weaken the Nephites? How does this apply to us?

2.     How did the Gadiaton robbers gain power?  How can they be a warning for us today?

3.     What does Samuel testify of, and how is he received?


3 Nephi

1.     What was life like before the coming of Christ?  How did the righteous survive?

2.     Members of the church go through cycles of righteousness and wickedness.  Why did this occur, and how do we prevent it from happening in our ward?

3.     When Christ appeared, what are the things he taught about happiness?


4 Nephi, Mormon, Ether 1-6

1.     What did the people do to be happy after the coming of Christ?

2.     What causes the destruction of the Nephites?  How can this be a warning for us?

3.     How did Jared lead his people?  Who leads the righteous today?


Ether 7-15, Moroni

1.     What causes the destruction of the Jaredite people?  How can this be a warning for us today?

2.     What are the main messages of Moroni chapter 7?  How can we apply them?

3.     Moroni Chapter 8 is the final writings of a prophet on Earth until the restoration.  What did Moroni teach?" 

Since he has been home, he has is reading daily with Will to help him better understand to study the scriptures. My heart us filed with gratitude and joy each time I see it. He is a rock solid husband and father.

 Ginny flew out last Friday for Houston to ride to EFY with Chyna and Breaden. I was a little nervous as was she to leave but safely arrived and is now at EFY in Denton, TX. I hope this is a testimony builder for her. I recall when I attended EFY in 1993, the theme was "Sharing the Light" and  when I hear the music from that particular session, my heart swells with good feelings and the Spirit testifies to my heart again. It's s great experience. 

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