Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Grand Canyon is grand!

Yesterday, we had the opportunity to take the kids to the Grand Canyon, it was also my first time to see the magnificence of the Grand Canyon. We took the Grand Canyon Railway up to the canyon and spent a few hours there. Somehow, I managed to biff it real good after de-boarding the train but managed to not let it stop my family from our little hike to explore, despite the pain and soreness (it is quite scratched, bruised, and swollen still this morning). We only visited the South Rim before heading back to catch the train. I am not sure the kids enjoy our national park adventures but it is something that I did not experience as a child but I did enjoy the beauty of nature locally.  I want our kids to see the grandeur of our beautiful country, well actually world but that is not economically feasible.  I am so thankful for our summers together and explorations. 

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