Thursday, May 14, 2020

She is an official High School graduate

    Jake and I, as of 5/13, have an official high school graduate (1 down, 3 to go) and we could mot be more proud of the young lady she is and the woman she is becoming. As mush as I would love to say "We done good", I am aware that the village of people we choose to surround ourselves influence our children. Life can be hard and our loving Heavenly Father has placed people in our lives to aid as we live in survival mode. These people are our village! Time after time, my village shows up for me, for Jake, and for our kiddos without being asked. You text to check in on us, calm our babies when we can't or they can not stand their parents in that moment, show up with food (meal or treat or a meal to be sampled), mail masks (knowing I do not own a needle nor thread), send cards in the mail or stop by to celebrate isolated birthdays, watch our babies when work prohibited us from being there, etc. You are my village and may never even realize it. There have been times as I experience life and try to isolate myself or pull away but my village doesn't allow it, even if they are unaware I am trying. You show up for me and my crew over and over again in more ways than I can name without passing judgement. Although I am now a mother, my village has continued to "raise me" and continues to help raise my children. My village is kind to my crew, nurtures me, shows me patience, and reminds me of what is really important. Thank you for always "showing up" even at times you do not realize you have.
      Last night we had a small dinner to celebrate Ginny l, while many members of our village could not be there (thank you Covid-19 but I was a little more lax on the 6ft distancing), our closest (not in distance Sandra, Charity, and my parents) all made a little trek to celebrate our Ginny. In some ways, it was the perfect graduation: it was not 3 hours and we got to focus on our most beloved 2020 grad. Ginny felt loved beyond measure last night at her little dinner and as she watched videos and messages sent by others compiled into a slideshow. It was a wonderful day for our family! While I opted out to give a few words last night (I know I would have cried), those are the words I would have spoken. Ginny Farrell and class of 2020, as you begin to expand your village, choose wisely, they will mold you and help you fulfill your destiny.
Waiting to take her AP exam
Cookies by Aubree and I

Charity and Ginny

Sandra, Charity, Ginny, and Nana

He is a proud daddy!
Nana and Papa Eaton with the graduate

Rebekah and Adam Dickey with the graduate
Sandra and Brent Adamson with the graduate
My village

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