Monday, May 18, 2020

Will's STEM essay

Each year, students have to complete an application to be accepted into STEM. One of the questions asked is why do you want to be in STEM, here is Will's response:
"I want to be apart of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), because I have been in it for as long as I can remember. My dad, Mr.Farrell, is a STEM teacher and I want to follow in his footsteps and be a successful  STEM teacher like him too. He has inspired me to become a STEM teacher. Last year we would start our STEM class as usual and then we got right to the experiments and projects so fast. That year I got my drill certificate and so my dad gave me my own tool set. I learned everything about the drill in 3 days and aced my tests. That year I learned about so many different tools. That year we made the best airplanes ever and even were able to control them. This was all thanks to the tips my dad gave us. He told us all the parts to them. Then, we have my favorite project the catapults. At first we started with the tiny wooden catapults and made our way from there. We got to it and were able to have a small catapult war where we would try to knock down others pieces of paper. Blue prints were being made next thing you know so we could build our own giant catapults to test in groups. My group and I were the first ones done. That is one reason I want to join STEM this year. That last reason is it helps you come up with plans, get better at skills you need in life, and help you grow as a successful person in life. These are all the factors of life. If it weren't for STEM I wouldn't get the grades I'm getting now."

I love that he wants to be like his dad!

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