Thursday, June 10, 2010

Anxiously Awaiting

So, I am at the stage in pregnancy where you just can't sleep because of discomfort and pain. Also, I have begun to sick again. I had done very well this pregnancy and not had to be put in for IV's or anything but last week, I had to get one. I was also having contractions 2 minutes apart but nothing else. I have been dilated to a 2 for a few weeks and can not seem to get things moving....this one may also be a little stinker. The doctor has me scheduled to be induced next week and as anxious as I am to have the baby, I am not sure that I want to be induced. I still do not have the bed or pack-n-play up nor do I have his clothes all nicely put in a little dresser or container but I am not the least bit stressed about it....maybe it is all too surreal to me still. However, I am attempting to help dilation along and have been to the gym regularly this week and walked on the treadmill for about an hour or a little longer each day, maybe something will happen. Oh, we were rear ended Tuesday evening but that was not a big deal, we were stopped at a light and the gentleman hit us. We pulled off and there was not much damage to the van, so we were not even sure it would be worth filing a claim but he filed one. Come to find out, the damage is about $2500 worth. We are not sure if we will get the van fixed right now or just use the money for this summer, since we do not have income. With all that said, life is good for our family. The girls like to guess when the baby will come and every time, I have a pain, they ask, "is it time?", it is too cute for me to get too bothered by it.

1 comment:

Amy Eaton said...

that litt;e will has gotten so Handsome....Glad he is here.